2013年4月29日 星期一

Everybody Scream! 大家一起吶喊吧!

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2013/04/30 第108期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Everybody Scream! 大家一起吶喊吧!
by Marcus Maurice
Every April since 1995, Wade Davis and Jimi Moe have been putting on Spring Scream.
自 1995 年起,每年 4 月韋德•戴維斯和吉米•摩爾都會舉辦『春吶音樂祭』。

  At first, it originated as a way for a few bands to jam out on a beach. Over the years, Spring Scream _(1)_ into a phenomenon. Eighteen years ago, Wade Davis and Jimi Moe rounded up their friends over the Tomb Sweeping holiday weekend and erected a makeshift stage on a beach in Kenting, the once quaint surfing town on the southern tip of Taiwan. The winds were high and only _(2)_ 50 revelers showed up, but it was quite an experience for those that attended the first Spring Scream. Moe and Davis were inspired and promised that the following year would be _(3)_ better. They were right on the money, and in 1996, the turnout was much larger. Every year since, Spring Scream has gotten bigger and better, and the music festival is one of the reasons that Kenting has turned into a _(4)_ tourist destination.
  Now, Spring Scream is a five-day festival with six stages and at least 200 bands and DJs. While some of the music is _(5)_, the main reason people attend is the chilled-out vibe. Creative vendors sell their handmade wares while thousands of people _(6)_ a friendly community in the camping area. The power for the stages is shut off at midnight, but it's not uncommon for some musicians to be playing their drums and acoustic instruments during all-night jam sessions.
  _(7)_ Spring Scream is not as big as other Asian music festivals like Fuji Rock in Japan, it still attracts many international guests. Why not see Spring Scream for yourself? It's so enjoyable that you might end up going there annually.

1. (A) will turn  (B) to turn  (C) has turned  (D) turns
2. (A) much  (B) many  (C) any  (D) some
3. (A) more  (B) even  (C) very  (D) ever
4. (A) bustling  (B) dispensable  (C) fragile  (D) monotonous
5. (A) exceptional  (B) confidential  (C) eligible  (D) formidable
6. (A) ambush  (B) forge  (C) diminish  (D) overlap
7. (A) Unless  (B) While  (C) Once  (D) Despite

  1. Over the years, Spring Scream has turned into a phenomenon.
    a. 本空格測試下列時間副詞片語出現時,動詞應採現在完成式或現在完成進行式:
    over / for / during / in + the past / last + few / 數字 + days / weeks / months / years / decades / centuries
    過去……(數)天/星期/月/年/10 年/世紀以來(到現在)
    Shannon has visited five countries over the past few months.
    雪倫在過去幾個月已經去過 5 個國家了。
    b. 本句句首有時間副詞 over the years(過去幾年來),這等於 over the past few years,故空格內的動詞應選擇現在完成式。
    c. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
  2. The winds were high and only some 50 revelers showed up, but it was quite an experience for those that attended the first Spring Scream.
    a. 空格後有數詞 50,可知空格須置入修飾數詞的副詞 some,表『大約』。除了 some 外常見的此類副詞尚有 about, around, roughly, approximately 等。
    There are still some 10 people waiting in line for food.
    還有 10 個人左右在排隊等待食物。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
  3. Moe and Davis were inspired and promised that the following year would be even better.
    a. 空格後有比較級形容詞 better(更好的),even 可表『甚至』,作副詞置於比較級形容詞或副詞之前,除了 even 外,此類常見可修飾比較級的副詞尚有 far, much, a lot, a great deal, still 等等。
    This decision will make our job even more difficult.
    Josh's workshop is much bigger than mine.
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
  4. Every year since, Spring Scream has gotten bigger and better, and the music festival is one of the reasons that Kenting has turned into a bustling tourist destination.
    a. (A) bustling a. 熱鬧的,熙熙攘攘的
    hustle and bustle  喧囂擾嚷
    The bustling night market is where many people hang out on the weekends.
    I enjoy the hustle and bustle of shopping malls at Christmas time.
    (B) dispensable a. 非必要的
    indispensable a.
    be / become indispensable to...
    No one is dispensable because we are all a part of this valuable team.
    Your help was indispensable to the success of our project.
    (C) fragile a. 脆弱的
    Your fragile condition is a result of your drinking habit.
    (D) monotonous a. 單調的
    The lecturer's monotonous voice made me sleepy.
    b. 根據題意,(A) 項應為正選。
  5. While some of the music is exceptional, the main reason people attend is the chilled-out vibe.
    a. (A) exceptional a. 卓越的,優秀的
    Miguel types with exceptional speed.
    (B) confidential a. 機密的
    All the patients' medical records and personal information are kept confidential.
    (C) eligible a. 有資格的
    Anyone who finds my lost dog will be eligible for a cash reward.
    (D) formidable a. 令人畏懼的;
    Jerry is a formidable opponent, but I will defeat him.
    b. 根據題意,(A) 項應為正選。
  6. Creative vendors sell their handmade wares while thousands of people forge a friendly community in the camping area.
    a. (A) ambush vt. & n. 埋伏,伏擊
    The troops ambushed the enemy in the dense woods.
    A couple of police officers were shot during the ambush.
    (B) forge vt. 形成;偽造
    The teacher could tell that Tammy forged her mother's signature.
    (C) diminish vt. 減少
    = reduce
    This purchase is going to diminish our savings.
    (D) overlap vt. 與……部分重疊
    The meeting overlapped with the president's vacation and was consequently postponed.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  7. While Spring Scream is not as big as other Asian music festivals like Fuji Rock in Japan, it still attracts many international guests.
    a. (A) unless conj. 除非
    You can come with us to Bob's party unless you don't want to.
    (B) while conj. 雖然(= though)
    While I like the color of the hat, I do not care for its shape.
    (C) once conj. 一旦
    The decision took about 10 seconds to make once Henry had read the news.
    亨利在看到這則消息後約 10 秒就作出了決定。
    b. 由於空格後有主詞 Spring Scream(春吶)加上 is not as big as...(沒有和……一樣大)形成一完整子句,得知空格應置連接詞,以形成副詞子句,而 (D) 項 Despite 為介詞,後頭只可置名詞,不可放子句,故不可選。
    c. 選項 (A)、(B)、(D) 項皆為連接詞,惟按語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  1. put on...  舉辦……
    The band members are hoping to put on a show in the UK before the end of the year.
  2. originate vi. 源自
    originate in / from...  源自於……
    Tarot cards originated from playing cards in the mid-15th century.
    塔羅牌源自於 15 世紀中葉的紙牌遊戲。
  3. round up...  集攏……(人或物)
    The police rounded up all the suspects in the investigation.
  4. erect vt. 建立,設立
    They erected a statue to honor the soldiers.
  5. reveler n. 飲酒狂歡者
    revel vi. 狂歡作樂
    We reveled at the beach party until the sun came up.
  6. inspire vt. 激勵;啟發
    inspire sb to V  啟發某人(做)……
    Hearing that man's life story inspires me to work harder to reach my goals.
  7. be right on the money(= be exactly right)
    I'd say your analysis of the upcoming election is right on the money.
  8. turnout n. 到場人數
    The terrible weather was responsible for the small turnout.
  9. shut off... / shut...off
    = turn off... / turn...off
    The manager shut off all the lights before he left the office.
  1. phenomenon n. 現象
  2. makeshift a. 臨時搭建的
  3. quaint a. 古雅的
  4. promise vt. 承諾
  5. stage n. 舞臺
  6. chilled-out a. 放鬆的
  7. vibe n. 氣氛;環境
  8. vendor n. 小販
  9. handmade a. 手工製的
  10. wares n. 商品(恆用複數)
  11. acoustic a.(樂器)原聲的
  12. instrument n. 樂器
  13. enjoyable a. 好玩的,有趣的
  14. annually adv. 每年地
  1. at first,...  起初,……
  2. jam out  尬音樂,即興表演
  3. turn into...  轉變成??
    = change into...
  4. show up  到場;出現
  5. end up V-ing  到頭來……地

Now, Spring Scream is a five-day festival with six stages and at least 200 bands and DJs.
在數字與可數名詞用連字號 "-" 連接形成的複合形容詞中,該可數名詞一律用單數形,而不可用複數形。如:20-year-old, six-foot-tall, 10-story。
David is a six-foot-tall basketball player.
大衛是個身高 6 英尺的籃球員。
The zero-degree temperatures were unbearable.

自 1995 年起,每年 4 月韋德•戴維斯和吉米•摩爾都會舉辦『春吶音樂祭』。

  春吶剛開始時是源起於幾個樂團在海邊即興表演的方式。但過去幾年來,春吶音樂祭已演變成了一種現象。18 年前,韋德•戴維斯和吉米•摩爾在清明假期的週末聚集了他們的朋友在臺灣南端一個曾經很純樸的衝浪小鎮──墾丁海灘邊搭起了一個臨時的舞臺。當時風很強,大約只有 50 多位喝酒狂歡的人在現場,但這對那些第一次參加春吶的人來說是一次不錯的體驗。摩爾和戴維斯受到這次的鼓舞,並承諾隔年會將它辦得更好。他們的話一點也沒錯,1996 年出席春吶的人數多了不少。從那一年之後,每年的春吶就辦得更有聲有色,而這個音樂祭也是讓墾丁變成一處熱鬧的觀光景點的原因之一。
  春吶目前是一個為期 5 天並有 6 個舞臺的音樂祭,5 天中至少有 2 百個樂團及 DJ 會參加春吶。雖然裡面有些音樂很棒,但人們參加春吶的主因就是想在那種氣氛裡放鬆一下。具有創意的小販販售手工的商品,而數千名在露營區的觀眾營造出友善的交流。舞臺在午夜時分就會斷電,但一些音樂人通宵即興打鼓及電音表演,這種情形也都很常見。

答案:1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B

聽說這家具有日本血統的拉麵店非常好吃,只是年紀大了,對於重鹹重口味的湯麵其實並沒有深刻的興趣– –去日本例外。現在既然都已站在人家店門口,也就隨緣,吃看看這家拉麵為什麼如此受歡迎。


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