1. 「全世界這種氣候變遷造成極端的天氣事件,台灣就像是礦坑裡面的金絲雀一般,都會提早發生,都會創紀錄。」彭啟明如此比喻台灣的處境。
Climate change is causing extreme weather events around the world, but Taiwan is the proverbial canary in the coal mine,” says Peng Chi-Ming. “The effects of climate change are happening earlier here, and records will continue to be broken.”
◎ Proverbial 諺語的,眾所周知的
Technology is the proverbial dual edged sword.
2. 伊恩颶風席捲美國與巴西,造成逾1,000億美金的損失
Hurricane Ian battered the United States and Brazil, causing more than US$100 billion of damage.
◎ batter vt.連續猛擊,搗毀,打碎;磨損
He has been battered and assaulted.