機場沒告訴你的事 文/Kevin Wang 閱讀暖身 現代的機場不只是交通運輸點,也是繁忙的零售中心。從機場的建築、光線到免稅商店所販售的商品,其實都有許多隱藏的策略。進入本文前,請先想想如何表達以下單字: (A) 下意識 (B) 揮霍 (C) 從報到到行李託運 Here are a few behind-the-scenes tricks airports use to help travelers relax, get to their gates on time, and hopefully spend some money along the way. 以下是機場幕後使用的操作方法,以協助旅客放鬆心情,準時抵達登機門,並且在通往登機門的路上消費。 1. They make sure you can see the tarmac Travelers should be able to get from security to their gate without getting lost. In many new airports, passengers can see through to the tarmac immediately after they leave security. 一、看得到停機坪 旅客應能順利從安檢走到登機門。在許多新機場,乘客離開安檢後,便能立即從玻璃窗看到停機坪。 2. The signs send (A) subliminal messages Very, very little in the style of an airport sign is arbitrary. For example, the change of shape from one sign system to another can warn passengers that they are going the wrong way. 二、標誌傳遞下意識訊息 機場標誌看似不經意其實都是刻意設計的。舉例來說,標誌形狀的轉變,可警告乘客走錯路了。 3. They lighten the mood Newer airports incorporate as many windows as possible, even in stores. There's a trend that the shops face the tarmac. Passengers tend to walk into shops with access to sunlight. 三、讓你心情愉快 新機場都盡量設置窗戶,即使是在商店內。新趨勢是商店面對停機坪,因為乘客喜歡步入有陽光的商店。 4. They herd you with art That big sculpture in your terminal isn't just there to look pretty. It's another tool to help travelers navigate. It may serve as a handy rendezvous for you and your friends. 四、以藝術來指點方向 航站裡的大型雕像不僅賞心悅目,還能協助旅客在機場內行動,它能作為你和朋友的碰面地點。 5. They use carpeting In many airports, the gate waiting area is carpeted. This is an attempt to make holding areas more relaxing by giving them a soft, cozy feeling. Happy, (1) laid back travelers are prone to (B) splurge. 五、鋪設地毯 許多機場的候機室皆鋪設地毯,這是為了營造柔和、舒適的氣氛,讓乘客更加放鬆。快樂、輕鬆的旅客較捨得揮霍。 6. The “golden hour” is key for profit The time between when a passenger clears security and boards their plane is called “dwell time.” This is when passengers are (2) at loose ends and most likely to shell out. Especially crucial is the “golden hour,” the first 60 minutes spent beyond security. 六、「黃金小時」獲利關鍵 乘客通過安檢到登機前的時間,稱為「停留時間」。此時乘客無所事事,最容易血拼。其中「黃金小時」特別關鍵,也就是通過安檢後的六十分鐘。 7. They're increasing dwell time One hour more at an airport is around $7 more spent per passenger. Anything that's automated, (C) from check-in to bag drop, is meant to speed things up so that the dwell time is increased. 七、增加停留時間 乘客在機場每多停留一小時,便大約多花7美元。任何自動化程序,像是報到及行李託運,皆為了加快通關時間,以增加停留時間。 8. Shops are strategically placed Most airport spending is done (3) on the spur of the moment, so the key is getting the goods out where they can be seen by as many people as possible. 八、商店位置兵家必爭 大多數機場消費都是一時興起,因此關鍵是讓商品被越多人看到越好。 9. They go local Airport shops are packed with souvenirs and trinkets that reflect the local culture, because that's what travelers want to buy. 九、商品具地方特色 機場商店擺滿具有地方特色的紀念品及小玩意,因為旅客情有獨鍾。 10. Walkways curve to the left The majority of humans are right-handed, which affects airport design. More sales are generated if a walkway curves from right to left with more merchandise and space on the right side. 十、走道彎向左邊 大多數人慣用右手,因而影響機場設計。走道從右向左彎時,右側會有更多商品及空間,銷售成績更佳。 11. A single queue puts us at ease While the line for check-in and security may seem absurdly long, a single queue actually lowers stress levels by increasing the perceived sense of fairness. 十一、單一隊列讓旅客安心 雖然報到及安檢的排隊人龍似乎長到不像話,但是單一隊列其實能夠減輕壓力,因為乘客會覺得比較公平。 12. The security officers get conversational A good tactic of screening passengers is simply to have a word with them. A study has found that asking open-ended questions is 20 times more effective than trying to monitor based on behavior. 十二、安檢人員愛聊天 檢查乘客的一個好方法,就是和他們聊天。研究發現,對乘客提問開放式問題,比觀察乘客行為效果好20倍。 口語詞彙: (1) Laid back 閒散 這裡的laid 是lay的過去式,laid back 是“懶散、閒適、鎮定自若”的意思。 Why are you so laid back? The exam is in 30 minutes! 你怎麼還是這麼閒散?考試30分鐘之後就要開始了! (2) At loose ends 無所事事 通常因為事情起了變化而造成的無所事事。 Mary has been at loose ends ever since she graduated from college. 瑪麗大學畢業後便一直無所事事。 (3) On the spur of the moment一時心血來潮 spur是「刺馬釘」,乃騎馬者靴子後跟上用來驅策馬匹的尖銳物。意指事情未經任何計畫,完全是一時興起。 Tom bought the car on the spur of the moment, and he has regretted it ever since. 湯姆一時興起買下車子,之後他就悔不當初了。 參考資料:mentalfloss.com |