Henry loves to take photos with his phone. He takes photos of himself, his cat, his food, his family, his friends—everything! He recently opened an Instagram account. He started with zero followers, but at the end of just five days he had 104 followers! Henry was interested to see what kind of photos got him the most followers. So for the next five days he took careful notes. In the morning, he posted a new photo. Then before bed, he recorded how many total followers he had. On day one, he posted a picture of himself in sunglasses. On day two, a photo of his lunch—some delicious soup dumplings. On day three, a photo of him and his friends at the beach. On day four, a picture of his cat, Mimi, with her toy mouse. And on day five, a picture of his grandmother in the kitchen. Look at this line graph of his results and answer the questions below. A line graph shows numbers as points. A line then joins these points together so you can see how the numbers change over time. 亨利喜歡用手機拍照。他會自拍、拍他的愛貓、他的食物、他的親朋好友──無所不拍!他最近開了一個IG帳號。剛開始都沒有人追蹤他,但短短五天後,就有104個追蹤者!亨利很有興趣知道,哪類照片的追蹤者會最多。因此接下來五天,他仔細地做記錄。 他早上發了一張新照片。然後睡前記錄一下總追蹤人數。第一天,他發了一張戴太陽眼鏡的自拍照。第二天,他發了有美味湯餃的午餐照片。第三天,他發了自己和朋友去海灘的照片。第四天,他發了愛貓「咪咪」和玩具老鼠的照片。第五天,他發了奶奶在廚房的照片。 請看一下數據的折線圖,並回答以下問題。線圖會以點狀符號來顯示數字。然後將所有的點連成線,你就能看清楚經過一段時間後的數字變化。 |