1. 不用說教與抗爭,而是用「健康、環保、永續」的口號打動人心,這是一場響應世界潮流的「蔬食運動」。
Instead of preaching and protesting, you get your message across through the watchwords “Health, Environment, and Sustainability.” This—the vegetarian movement—is a global trend.
◎ watchword 口號,標語
The watchword going forward will be “There is no fear in love”.
2. 有感於無肉市集1.0舉辦後產生許多垃圾,張芷睿在新竹將軍村舉辦的無肉市集2.0,標榜裸賣裸買。
Dismayed at the amount of packaging waste generated by the first No Meat event, Chelsea Chang decided to dedicate No Meat 2.0, which was held in Hsinchu’s General Village, to packaging-free shopping.
◎ packaging-free shopping 裸賣裸買
We didn’t foresee how successful our first zero-packaging attempt would be. More than 7000 people turned up that day, and no one complained about the inconvenience.