1. 職業的漢陽北管劇團,亦年年演出,傳唱屬於台灣道地的傳統戲曲。
Meanwhile, the professional Hanyang Beiguan Troupe continues to perform year in and year out, acting out traditional dramas that are authentically Taiwanese.
◎ year in and year out ph.年復一年
It yields consistent results year in and year out.
2. 劇中貧賤不移的感動,忠孝節義的教化,仍是現今社會珍貴的資產。
I The touching stories in these dramas, in which the characters have lofty ideals, can inculcate timeless values such as loyalty, filial piety, chastity, and righteousness in the audience, and can be a valuable asset in contemporary society.
◎ inculcate 反覆灌輸;諄諄教誨
The readings inculcated moral values as well as literacy.