台灣的原住民 Taiwan's First People |
Taiwan is home to over 23 million people. A little over 2% (around 560,000) are Taiwanese aborigines. Taiwanese aborigines came to Taiwan thousands of years ago. They used to live all over Taiwan. But in the 1600s, people from China and Europe began coming to the island. They fought with the aborigines for control of the land. Now, Taiwanese aborigines mostly live on the island's east coast and in the central mountains. There are 16 different groups of Taiwanese aborigines. They all have their own customs, festivals, and language. The largest of these 16 groups is the Amis, with a little over 200,000 people. From the map, you can see the Amis live in the central part of Taiwan's east coast. The map also has information about other groups. By looking at the map, you can see where Taiwan's aboriginal groups live. 台灣住了超過 2300 萬人,而大約 2% 出頭(將近56 萬人)是台灣原住民。台灣原住民於數千年前來台,居住地曾遍布全台,但在 1600 年代,中國人和歐洲人紛紛踏上台灣島,攻擊原住民並奪取土地。如今,台灣原住民大多居住於台灣東岸和中央山脈。 台灣原住民共有 16 族,各族均有自己的習俗、節慶和語言。人數最龐大的是阿美族,約有 20 萬人左右。大家可從地圖看到,阿美族分布於台灣東岸的中段。此地圖亦顯示其他族的資訊,只要觀察一下地圖,就能得知台灣原住民的分布範圍。 |
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