2013年8月12日 星期一

The Turning of the Bones 與屍共舞

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2013/08/13 第123期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Turning of the Bones 與屍共舞
by William Ryan
Would you dig up a dead ancestor and dance with their bones?

  The African island of Madagascar has one of the most unusual cultural festivals in existence on the planet. Malagasy, as the _(1)_ of the people of Madagascar are called, celebrate their family ties with a very unique ritual. Every seven years or so, they open up the family graves to bring out the remains of their dead ancestors and wrap them in new cloth. After much preparation and expense, they carry the corpses high in the air while dancing with them _(2)_ joyous music. The extremely happy _(3)_ is called Famadihana, which is also known as turning of the bones.
  A few traditional Malagasy beliefs are _(4)_ the heart of Famadihana. One is that people are created not from mud but from the bodies of their ancestors. Malagasy therefore _(5)_ their relatives in high regard. According to another traditional belief, the dead do not leave for good until their bodies have completely returned to the earth. They also believe that their ancestors are able to communicate with the living. Famadihana is how the Malagasy shower their ancestors with love and _(6)_. It is perhaps surprising that Famadihana is not an ancient practice. Its origins have been _(7)_ back to only the 17th century.
  Not all Malagasy believe their ancestors are capable of communicating with the living, though. Despite having their doubts about the ritual, those who are more educated and less traditional continue to _(8)_ the custom since they consider it to be valuable in strengthening family ties. The energy and enthusiasm of Famadihana is naturally a time for putting aside familial, generational, and _(9)_ conflicts. Highly symbolic and _(10)_ to the Malagasy, the custom shows no signs of dying out.

(A) occasion (B) affection (C) tribal (D) majority (E) meaningful
(F) at (G) support (H) to (I) hold (J) traced

  1. Malagasy, as the majority of the people of Madagascar are called, celebrate their family ties with a very unique ritual.
    a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,空格後有介詞片語 of the people of Madagascar(馬達加斯加人),得知空格應置名詞。
    b. 選項中為名詞的有 (A) occasion(時機;場合)、(B) affection(影響;感情)、(D) majority(大部份)和 (G) support(支持),惟 (D) 項置入後符合語意,故為正選。
    c. majority n. 大多數
    the majority of...  大部份的……
    The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.
  2. After much preparation and expense, they carry the corpses high in the air while dancing with them to joyous music.
    a. 本題測試下列固定用法:
    dance to the music / beat
    Some people just can't dance to this slow music.
    b. 表『隨著』掌聲、音樂聲或節奏時應使用介詞 to。但若 dance 與 with 並用時,受詞則應當是人。
    dance with sb  與某人共舞
    The boys competed with each other for the first dance with the class beauty.
    c. 根據上述,(H) 項應為正選。
  3. The extremely happy occasion is called Famadihana, which is also known as turning of the bones.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 happy(快樂的),空格後有 be 動詞 is,得知空格應置名詞以作為本句的主詞。
    b. 選項中為名詞的有 (A) occasion(時機;重大活動)、(B) affection(影響;感情)以及 (G) support(支持),僅 (A) 項置入後符合語意,故為正選。
    c. occasion n. 時刻;重大活動(和介詞 on 並用)
    on occasion  偶爾
    = occasionally adv.
    Everyone should take a break from work on occasion.
  4. A few traditional Malagasy beliefs are at the heart of the Famadihana.
    a. 本題測試下列固定用法:
    be at the heart of...  是……的重心
    The gangster was at the heart of the car theft ring.
    *ring n.(不法)集團
    b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。
  5. Malagasy therefore hold their relatives in high regard.
    a. 本題測試下列固定用法:
    hold sb in high regard
    The professor is held in high regard due to his contributions to this field of research.
    b. 根據上述,(I) 項應為正選。
  6. Famadihana is how the Malagasy shower their ancestors with love and affection.
    a. 空格前有對等連接詞 and 以及名詞 love(愛),得知空格應置名詞以形成對等。
    b. 選項中的名詞尚有 (B) affection(影響;感情)和 (G) support(支持),惟 (B) 項置入後符合語意,故為正選。
    c. affection n. 感情
    have an affection for...  深愛著……
    The core of filial piety is to respect and care for the elderly with affection.
    *filial piety  孝道
    Peter has a deep affection for his grandchildren.
  7. Its origins have been traced back to only the 17th century.
    a. 本題測試下列固定用法:
    be traced back to...  追溯至……
    My father's antique record player can be traced back to the late 19th century.
    b. 根據上述,(J) 項應為正選。
  8. ... those who are more educated and less traditional continue to support the custom since they consider it to be valuable in strengthening family ties.
    a. 空格前有引導不定詞片詞的 to,可知空格應置原形動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅有 (G) support(支持),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. support vt. & n. 支持;支撐
    The building is supported by six huge iron beams.
  9. The energy and enthusiasm of the Famadihana is naturally a time for putting aside familial, generational, and tribal conflicts.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 familial(家族的)、 generational(世代間的)以及對等連接詞 and,空格後有名詞 conflicts(衝突),得知空格應置形容詞和前面兩個形容詞形成對等以修飾 conflicts。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的有 (C) tribal(部落的)和 (E) meaningful(有意義的),惟 (C) 項置入後符合語意,故為正選。
    c. tribal a. 部落的
    Each of the tribes has distinctive tribal traditions and cultures.
  10. Highly symbolic and meaningful to the Malagasy, the custom shows no signs of dying out.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 symbolic(象徵性的)以及對等連接詞 and,得知空格應置形容詞以形成對等。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的僅剩 (E) meaningful(有意義的),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. meaningful a. 有意義的
    meaningless a. 無意義的
    Some people think my old watch is not worthy of a second glance, but it is meaningful to me.
    Prior to our meeting, life was boring and meaningless to me.
  1. ancestor n. 祖先
  2. family ties  家族關係,家族間的牽絆
  3. unique a. 與眾不同的;獨特的
  4. ritual n. 儀式;習慣
  5. remains n. 遺體(恆用複數)
  6. expense n. 消耗;支出
  7. corpse n. 屍體
  8. relative n. 親戚
  9. the living  在世者(= living people)
    the dead  亡者(= dead people)
  10. practice n. 做法
  11. educated a. 受過教育的
  12. enthusiasm n. 熱忱,熱情
  13. familial a. 家庭的
  14. generational a. 世代的
  15. conflict n. 衝突,爭執
  1. in existence  存在
    The museum is home to the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.
  2. bring out sth  (把某物)搬出來;發揮某物
    Sometimes dreadful experiences bring out the best in you.
    *dreadful a. 可怕的
  3. for good  永遠地,永久地
    = forever
    We are finished for good! I don't ever want to see your face again.
  4. shower vt. 大量給予
    shower sb with sth  將某物大量給予某人
    = shower sth on sb
    The parents constantly showered attention on their children.
  5. be capable of N/V-ing  能夠……
    Billy Sunday is capable of holding his breath underwater for five minutes.
  6. strengthen vt. 加強;鞏固
    = reinforce vt.
    Drinking milk every day helps strengthen bones.
  7. put aside...   將……擱在一邊
    = put away...
    We put aside our differences for the good of the whole team.
  8. symbolic a. 象徵(性)的
    be symbolic of...  是……的象徵
    In many cultures around the world, snakes are symbolic of evil.
  9. show no signs of N/V-ing
    show signs of N/V-ing  顯示出……的跡象
    The dog showed no signs of hostility as I approached it.
    Martin showed some early signs of the disease.
  1. dig up... / dig...up  找出……,揭露……
  2. communicate with sb  與某人溝通
  3. die out  消失,滅盡

  非洲的馬達加斯加島存在著一項這個星球上最不尋常的文化節慶。大多數馬達加斯加人被稱為『馬拉加西』(Malagasy),他們會以一種非常獨特的儀式來慶祝他們家族間的牽絆。每七年左右,他們就會挖開祖墳,把死去先人的遺體搬出來並以新布包裹。經過一番準備及人力消耗之後,家族的人會將屍體抬在空中,並隨著歡愉的音樂和屍體一同起舞。這項極為歡樂的重大活動被稱之為『翻屍節』,也可稱為『翻骨節』(turning of the bones)。

答案:1. D 2. H 3. A 4. F 5. I
6. B 7. J 8. G 9. C 10. E

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