2015年6月25日 星期四


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2015/06/26 第262期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 電影 MOVIE
【本月發燒書】 用英日語導遊台灣:觀光英語常用句圖解
【好康情報局】 2015高雄書展 7/10~7/19
  現在完成式(have/has +過去分詞)
※ 用來表示在過去開始而持續至現在的動作或狀態。
※ 也用來表示從過去到現在所經驗或沒有經驗到的事情,這種用法常和頻率副詞連用,如ever(曾經), never(從不), once(一次), many times(很多次)。
※ 也可表示現在剛完成的動作,常和時間副詞連用,如just(剛剛), already(已經), recently(最近), lately(近來) , yet(尚未,用於否定及疑問句)。
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Confucianism, as well as Buddhism and Taoism, has had a great influence on Taiwanese society. People live and think according to Confucian thought even today. Confucius was a great philosopher. Since he lived in a time of war, it was his goal that one day people would live in peace. He wanted to change the way that people relate to each other in order to create a peaceful society.

He held the idea that everyone has his or her own position in society. It is important for all parts of society to work together in harmony. Each person must fulfill his or her duty. For example, a father should take care of his family and a son should love and respect his parents and look after them when they are older.

Confucius was also a great teacher. He believed that if people are educated, they will naturally do the right thing. “Education without discrimination 有教無類” is a strong Confucian belief.

Today, Confucian temples are built in many cities in honor of this great mentor of China. The Taipei Confucius Temple was first built in 1879 and rebuilt in 1925. It is the largest Confucian temple in northern Taiwan. Every year on the 28th of September, a memorial ceremony is held to celebrate Confucius’ birthday. Traditional dancing and rituals are arranged according to ancient practices.

The Taipei Confucius Temple possesses typical traditional Chinese architecture, with solemn entrances, grand red columns, ornate roofs, colorful paintings and decorations. The half-moon shaped pond, called Pan Pond 泮池, in front of the main gate, is designed according to the principles of feng shui 風水. It also has the function of preventing fire and adjusting the temperature.




如今,很多城市都建有孔廟,以向這位中國偉大的老師致敬。台北孔廟最早建於1879 年,並於1925年重建,這是北台灣最大的孔廟,每年的9 月28 日都會舉行祭孔大典,以慶祝孔子的壽誕。傳統的舞蹈和儀式均遵照古禮進行。


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