1. monument n. 遺跡;紀念碑 •A monument was set up to honor those dead soldiers. 人們豎立了一座紀念碑以紀念那些陣亡的將士。 2. misfortune n. 不幸,災禍 •Rita had the misfortune of breaking her leg last week. 麗塔上週不幸摔斷了腿。 3. stunning a. 令人驚豔的,極美的 •The new lipstick Gina is wearing looks stunning on her. 吉娜擦的新口紅讓她看起來美極了。 4. estimate n. 估計數量 •Our latest estimate is that 30 people will attend Laura’s wedding party. 我們最新的估計是有三十人會參加蘿拉的婚宴。 5. distinct a. 獨樹一格的,與眾不同的 •Chinese ink and wash paintings are one of the most distinct art forms in Chinese culture. 中國水墨畫是中華文化中最獨樹一格的藝術形式之一。 6. desperate a. 絕望的;走投無路的 •The desperate criminal held someone hostage in order to escape. 這名走投無路的罪犯為了逃跑而挾持人質。 7. craft vt.(用手工)精細製作 •The jewelry at that store is crafted from recycled materials. 那家店的珠寶是用回收的材料精製而成。 8. conquer vt. 征服;克服 •Judy was determined to conquer her fear of water and learn how to swim. 茱蒂決定要克服對水的恐懼並學會游泳。 9. occupation n. 占領,占據 •The occupation of the country lasted six years. 該國被占領達六年之久。 10. rebellion n. 反抗;叛亂 •The government took extremely brutal measures to suppress the rebellion. 該政府採取極度殘忍的手段來鎮壓叛變。 11. testament n. 見證;證據(常與介詞 to 並用) •Joe’s success is a testament to his years of hard work. 阿喬的成功是他經年累月努力的見證。 |