| | | ■ International More acceptance than hate 多一點包容,少一點仇恨 Some 30,000 Germans protest against anti-Islam rallies 大約三萬名德國人抗議反伊斯蘭化集會 | The square around the Cologne Cathedral was plunged into darkness in the evening of Jan. 5 after the historical landmark in Western Germany shut down its lights in a silent protest of weekly rallies in Dresden against the perceived "Islamization" of Europe. The symbolic act came as thousands of Germans demonstrated in Cologne and several other cities against the ongoing protests by the group calling itself Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, or PEGIDA, which attracted its biggest crowd yet in Dresden on Jan. 5. | 科隆大教堂周圍的廣場於一月五日傍晚陷入一片黑暗,因為這座位於西德的歷史性地標於當天關燈,以表達對每週在德勒斯登所舉行、反對歐洲「伊斯蘭化」集會的無言抗議。在進行這個象徵性動作的同時,有上萬人參加在科隆和德國其他數座城市所舉行抗議活動,以反對自稱「愛國歐洲人反對歐洲的伊斯蘭化」(PEGIDA)的組織所持續舉行的集會,而一月五日在德勒斯登所舉行的反伊斯蘭化集會,吸引 這類集會迄今人數最多的群眾參加。 | Cologne Cathedral provost Norbert Feldhoff, told n-tv, a German television news channel, that shutting down the lights was an attempt to make the PEGIDA demonstrators think twice about their protest. "You're taking part in an action that, from its roots and also from speeches, one can see is Nazi-ist, racist and extremist," he said on n-tv. "And you're supporting people you really don't want to support." Only about 250 PEGIDA supporters showed up in Cologne, as compared to about 10 times that number of counter-demonstrators. Similarly in Berlin, police said some 5,000 counter-demonstrators blocked about 300 PEGIDA supporters from marching along their planned route from city hall to the Brandenburg Gate. Another 22,000 anti-PEGIDA demonstrators rallied in Stuttgart, Muenster and Hamburg, a German news agency reported. | 科隆大教堂的主任牧師諾伯特費德霍夫向德國 n-tv 電視新聞頻道表示,關燈旨在讓參加「愛國歐洲人反對歐洲的伊斯蘭化」集會的示威者,多想想自己參與這類集會的目的。他在 n-tv 頻道上表示:「你們所參加的活動,不論是從根源和演說內容來看,都帶有納粹主義、種族歧視與極端主義的色彩。而你們正在支持你真的不希望支持的人。」科隆大約 只有兩百五十名「愛國歐洲人反對歐洲的伊斯蘭化」組織的支持者現身,相較之下,抗議這類集會的抗議人數卻有大約十倍之多。柏林也出現類似的情況,該市警方表示,大約五千名「愛國歐洲人反對歐洲的伊斯蘭化」集會的反對者,阻擋從市政廳沿著預定路線前往勃蘭登堡門的大約三百名支持者。德國一家新聞社報導,另外有兩萬兩千人參加在斯圖加特、明斯特和漢堡等城市所舉行的反「愛國歐洲人反對歐洲的伊斯蘭化」集會。 | But PEGIDA's main demonstration in the eastern city of Dresden, a region that has few immigrants or Muslims, attracted some 18,000, according to police. The demonstrations there have been growing from an initial few hundred in October 2014 to around 17,500 at a rally just before Christmas last year. Carrying signs with slogans like "wake up" the crowd chanted "we are the people" and "lying press" as they passed television cameras. | 據警方指出,但該組織在東德德勒斯登市舉行的主要示威,卻吸引大約一萬八千人參加;而當地移民或穆斯林的人數非常少。參與示威的人數從去年十月最初的數百人,逐漸增加至去年聖誕節前所舉行的 一場集會,共吸引大約一萬七千五百人參加。示威者在行經電視攝影機時高舉寫著「覺醒」等口號的標語,並高喊「我們是人民」以及「媒體說謊」。 | In uncharacteristically frank words in her New Year's address, Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to stay away from the Dresden rallies. When the PEGIDA demonstrators chant "we are the people," Merkel said "they actually mean 'you don't belong because of your religion or your skin.'" PEGIDA organizer Kathrin Oertel slammed the speech at the rally, telling the crowd "in Germany we have political repression again." She continued to say to the cheering crowd, "Or how would you see it when we are insulted or called racists or Nazis openly by all the political mainstream parties and media for our justified criticism of Germany's asylum seeker policies and the non-existent immigration policy." | 德國總理安琪拉梅克爾在新年演說中,一反常態地有話實說,敦促人民不要參加德勒斯登所舉行的集會。她表示,當「愛國歐洲人反對歐洲的伊斯蘭化」示威者高喊「我們是人民」時,他們「實際上的意思是『 因為你的宗教信仰或膚色,所以你不算是德國人』。」這項集會的籌辦人凱瑟琳歐特爾在集會上抨擊梅克爾的演說,並向群眾表示:「德國再次出現了政治打壓的行動」。她繼續向歡呼人群說:「在我們合理批評德國尋求庇護的政策與蕩然無存的移民政策,結果卻遭所有主流政黨與媒體羞辱,或是被稱作種族歧視者或是納粹餘孽時,大家會有什麼感想。」 | | | ■ Spotlight | | 本文來自Student Post 1416期 1月10日 – 1月16日, 2015 | | Unbroken dreams 「永不屈服」的夢想 In a life that has been notable for its many metamorphoses — screen starlet, goth vixen, United Nations ambassador, mother of six, breast cancer awareness advocate — Angelina Jolie's latest incarnation is as a filmmaker. Rarely has an actor, particularly of Jolie's stature, committed so fully to the other side of the camera. 安潔莉娜裘莉在人生中以多次轉型而著稱,其中包括銀幕新人、哥德風性感尤物、聯合國特使、六個孩子的母親,以及乳癌意識的倡導者,而她最新的身分則是電影導演。很少有演員(尤其是像裘莉這樣地位的演員),會為幕後工作投入如此大的努力。 | | | | |