Imagine a hot summer day. The Sun beats down on the blacktop, and the city air rises up in a zigzag. Light bounces off the cars parked on the street. For a time, the only sound heard throughout the neighborhood is the steady hum of fans, laboring to cool residents from the sweltering temperatures. Bored children decide to brave the humid heat and play ball in the streets. Thump! Thump! Thump! The repetitive sound of a basketball breaks the monotonous silence. The children weave in and out, in and out, jumping, running, dodging, and laughing as they move effortlessly, making plays in the hot summer rays. Spewing a nerve-jangling tune, an ice cream truck arrives on the scene. The kids race excitedly over to the truck and select treats—vanilla cones, chocolate crunch bars, wildly colored ice pops. Within minutes, the treats are devoured, and the kids return to their energetic play. Dark storm clouds roll ominously through the sky overhead, and the street empties. A gloomy grayness envelops the sky like a giant umbrella. Craaack! Thunder roars with anger after lightning dances fleetingly in the distance. The rain comes in torrents, beating, beating, beating down on the sidewalks, streets, and houses. Faces peer curiously out windows, observing the dazzling show. When the clouds roll away, steam rises, drying the streets for another round of play. 想像一個炎熱的夏天,太陽直直照射在柏油路上,城市中的空氣蜿蜒地上升著,光線反射在停在路邊的車上。有一度,整個社區唯一可以聽到的聲音就是風扇傳來規律的嗡嗡聲,努力的讓住戶們可以從悶熱的氣溫中涼快些。 無聊的孩子們決定勇敢的面對潮濕的熱氣,到街上玩球。砰!砰!砰!籃球重複的聲響打破了一成不變的寂靜。孩子進進出出的跳著、移動著、閃躲著、嘻笑著,來去自如,在炎炎夏日中玩耍。 發出挑動神經旋律的冰淇淋車出現了。孩子們興奮的跑到車子邊,挑選冰淇淋口味─香草甜筒、巧克力脆棒,以及色彩繽紛的冰棒。孩子們一下子就吃光光了,繼續活力十足的玩耍。 暴風雨的烏雲如惡兆般席捲過頭頂上的天空,街道空了,陰鬱的灰像把巨傘籠罩整個天空。砰的一聲!遠處閃電急舞,雷聲隨之怒吼。大雨如注,劈哩啪啦的打在人行道、街道與屋瓦上。一張張臉好奇的望著窗外,觀看這場令人頭暈目眩的表演。當烏雲散去,蒸汽升起,街道乾了,另一場嬉戲又再度上演。 |