Xin Fu Sweet is famous for its delicious almond milk. This all natural drink is derived from the nut of an apricot, which is shredded into kernels and then soaked in water for three to five days in order to produce the most delicious almond flavor. The shop has gained many loyal customers since it opened over 10 years ago. The owner, Mr. Chen Guo-ming, explains one of the reasons for its great popularity is that he takes a longer time to slowly brew his almond milk, producing a more sophisticated and distinct flavor. Each glass of almond milk requires more than 10 hours of brewing. Cold milk will get a layer of natural oil floating on top, whereas when the milk is served hot, there will only be a thin layer of oil, with a smooth and mild almond flavor. When Mr. Chen started his business, he recalled the wonderful almond milk made by his grandmother; therefore, he decided to adopt his grandmother's method of making it. Mr. Chen then decided to use the highest quality of sweet apricot kernels, to produce a more unique flavor. Each 70 500cc glass will need three kilograms of sweet apricot kernels and although this creates a higher cost, Mr. Chen is adamant that his customers enjoy all natural flavors and therefore he does not include any artificial flavoring or preservatives. The process of making almond milk is time-consuming and complex. After the sweet apricot kernels are soaked for several days, they are ground into a liquid and brought to boil over high heat. When boiling the liquid requires constant stirring, so the apricot kernels will not burn at the bottom of the pot. After the liquid comes to a boil, it is left to simmer over low heat for approximately 8 to 9 hours in order to bring out the flavor. The kernels are then filtered out, by which time only 2/3s of the liquid can be used to make almond milk. The remaining grinds are used to make cookies. When it was first introduced to the market, Xin Fu Sweet's products took many years to gain the popularity it enjoys today. However, as Taiwanese people gradually realized the importance of food safety, Mr. Chen has found more and more customers are willing to learn about their products and the natural production processes he undergoes in producing them. Today, his uncompromising quality almond milk continues to gain support and attract more customers. |
「杏福巷子」專賣純正的杏仁茶,開業10年來吸引一票忠誠顧客。經營者陳國明堅持按部就班地熬製,只因美好的味道總是歷經時間蘊釀而成,特別是杏仁香氣會隨著慢慢熬煮而散發出來,逾10小時熬製的杏仁茶盛在碗�,冰飲時,看得到杏仁茶的油脂,熱飲時,杏仁茶表面會結一層薄膜,入喉溫潤順口,淡淡的杏仁味飄香。 陳國明創業之初,憶起阿嬤做的杏仁茶,他想把杏仁茶的好味道推廣上市,於是選用味道偏甜的南杏,儘管南杏是杏仁豆中單價最高的,為了製出品質出色的杏仁茶,他堅持不添加其他杏仁種類,陳國明說,每鍋使用近3公斤的南杏豆,可製成70杯500cc的杏仁茶,光是南杏豆成本就相當可觀;再加上,他希望讓消費者吃到食物的原味,因此堅持不添加香精、香料和防腐劑。 杏仁茶製程費時費工,首先南杏豆得泡水3∼5天,使其充份吸納水份,同時釋放香氣,之後研磨成汁,再以大火滾至沸騰,期間得不停攪拌,避免杏仁豆渣靜置鍋底烤焦,大火滾開後再轉小火熬煮8∼9小時,熬出杏仁味道,煮好後為了讓杏仁茶口感滑順,還得過濾杏仁豆渣,最後只剩下三分之二可製成杏仁茶;過濾後的杏仁豆渣則可被製成杏仁餅乾。 杏福巷子的杏仁茶並不是一推出就廣受市場青睞,隨著國人日益重視食品衛生安全,陳國明觀察到有越來越多顧客願意花時間瞭解杏仁茶的製程,以「堅持 」換得杏仁茶的好品質,獲得越來越多消費者共鳴。 |