閱讀暖身 千禧世代指的是1980-2000之間出生,在網路中成長的年輕人。根據《紐約時報》報導,美國18∼34歲的年輕人平均收入比前一個X世代的人(1961∼81出生)少43%,因為薪水低,所以幾乎沒有積蓄、無法買房、不想投資、不想生小孩。可怕的是,這群人是繼嬰兒潮之後,人數最多的一個世代,將主導未來幾十年的經濟。全世界的市場,請勒緊褲帶迎接這負債的一代。 進入本文前,先想想這幾個字怎麼說: a) 大部分 b) 不熱烈的 c) 節育 Pay TV With the a) lion’s share being consumed on phone, tablet, or PC, people age 14-24 only consume 46% of their media on television—Many young people aren’t getting a TV at all. Millennials aren’t the only ones 1) tuning out the tube. 花錢看電視 隨著視聽娛樂這塊大餅被智慧型手機、平板與電腦瓜分,14到24歲的人們只花不到一半的閱聽時間在看電視上,更多年輕人根本就沒有電視機,千禧世代已經不是唯一一群不看電視的人。 Investments 2) By all accounts, young people should be investing in equities. Unfortunately, after growing up in the Great Recession, millennials would rather put their money in a sock drawer than on Wall Street. 投資 根據多數人的說法,年輕人應該要做投資。但在成長過程,經歷過經濟大衰退時期的千禧世代,寧願把錢鎖進放襪子的櫃子裡,也不會想要栽入華爾街市場裡。 Cars and Homes Nowadays you’d be hard pressed to find someone under 35 who knows what a "competition clutch with the four on the floor” even means. The sad fact is that American car culture is dying a slow death because the young generation just cannot afford to buy them. 車與房 現在你已經很少可以聽見35歲以下的年輕人能夠理解「有四段變速的賽車離合器」是什麼了,美國年輕一代無法負擔買車開銷,汽車文化逐漸凋零。 Moreover, it’s not that millennials don’t want to own homes, it’s that they can’t afford them. Studies found that homeownership rate among adults younger than 35 fell by 12 percent after 2006, and 2 million more were living with Mom and Dad. 絕對不是千禧世代不想要有房,而是他們根本就買不起!研究顯示2006後35歲以下年輕人的擁房率直落了12%,且有兩百多萬年輕人都還和爸媽住在一起。 Bulk Warehouse Club Goods This one initially sounds weird, but remember: millennials don’t own cars or homes. So a Costco membership doesn't make much sense. Responding to b) tepid millennial demand, the big box giant is trying to win overyoungsters by partnering with Google to deliver certain items right to their home. 大型超市專屬會員制 這個會員制度聽起來或許有點奇怪,但別忘了,千禧世代的人們沒車又沒房,這樣一來就算有好市多的會員卡好像也沒太大的意義。為了因應千禧世代疲軟經濟的需求,大型連鎖超市紛紛祭出策略來爭取年輕一代的認同,推出與Google合作送貨到家門口的服務。 Weddings and children 3) Getting hitched early in life used to be something of arite of passage into adulthood. A full 65% of the Silent Generation married at age 18 to 32. Since then, though, Americans have been waiting longer and longer to tie the knot. Just like as with homes, sixty-nine percent of millennials told Pew they would like to marry, but many are waiting until they’re more financially stable before doing so. 婚姻與撫養孩子 過去,結婚具有成年禮的意義,1920到1940年間出生的人,有65%在18到32歲期間就結婚了,但自此後美國人越來越晚步入婚姻。就像買房子一樣,69%的千禧世代告訴皮尤研究公司他們會想結婚,但是得等到自己的經濟穩定後才會走入禮堂。 After weddings, you probably saw this one coming, millennials’ c) procreation abstention isn’t only because they’re not married. Many just aren’t planning on having kids. It’s not that millennials don’t want children, it’s that this whole recession thing has really scared them off any big financial or life commitments. 結婚後就是生孩子了,千禧世代不僅因為未婚而避孕,而是完全不打算有孩子。但並非Y世代不想要小孩,他們在經濟大蕭條時被嚇壞了,而害怕再做出一些重大的經濟方面或一輩子的承諾。 口語詞彙 1) Tune out 停止收聽 Tune 原本是歌曲的意思,當動詞有調整頻道,調音的意思。Tune out 就是不收聽了。 I tuned out what the keynote speaker was saying because I wasn’t interested. 2) By all accounts 根據大家的說法 By all accounts 有謠傳;根據小道消息的意思,用來表示大眾、媒體等認為某事為何。 By all accounts they were a happy couple. 據大家說,他們是一對幸福的夫妻。 3) Get hitched 拴在一起(指結婚) Get hitched和tie the knot一樣都是比較口語式形容結婚的用語。 Guess what? We ' re getting hitched. 猜猜怎麼樣?我們要結婚了! *名詞解釋: Millennials 被稱為千禧世代或Y世代,是指接在X世代後期的一個世代人口族群。多數指出生年份自1980年初至2000年後出生的人口族群。 |