timely (adj)
given or made available at a suitable moment 適時的;合時宜的
Please turn in your reports in a timely manner.
cutting edge (idiom)
the most recent stage in the development of something 最前線;尖端
The new movie is on the cutting edge. The latest methods use graphics that make the action seem more real.
consciousness (n)
the fact of noticing the existence of something意識 (引申為思潮);知覺
Matt pays attention to public consciousness so that he can understand trends better.
push the envelope (idiom)
to go further than the usual limits by doing something new or dangerous 挑戰極限
Joe pushed the envelope when he decided to climb up Mount Everest.
complacent (adj)
feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you don't feel there is a need for improvement 自滿的
Lisa began to feel complacent just six months after starting her new job.