簡介:美國鄉村音樂流行歌手泰勒絲年紀輕輕,就在樂壇 嶄露頭角,才華洋溢的她堅持追夢,她創作的詞曲 述說生命與成長故事,打動無數樂迷的心。 Taylor Swift—A Musical Storyteller She is only twenty-four years old, but she has already done what many musicians couldn't do in a lifetime. With a sweet singing voice, natural guitar-playing style, and a gift for songwriting, Taylor Swift is one of the most successful musicians today. Swift has put out four albums so far, and she has won dozens of awards. Her second album became the 2009 best-selling album in the United States. Her latest album, Red, sold more than 1.2 million copies in the first week of US release, the highest one-week record sales in a decade. What sets Swift apart from many other female musicians is her songwriting. That, mixed with hard work and self-belief, put her on the road to success. She wrote her first song at age twelve, by which time she was already going door-to-door to record labels with her karaoke demo. At fourteen, her family moved to Nashville, where she began pursuing her country music career. Faced with lots of rejection, she never gave up. She always knew what she wanted and even refused a contract that didn't let her write and sing her own songs. 小天后泰勒絲──用音樂說故事 她才二十四歲,但她已經完成許多音樂人一輩子也無法做到的事。憑藉著甜美的歌喉、渾然天成的吉他演奏風格以及創作歌曲的天賦,泰勒絲成為現今最成功的樂手之一。 目前為止,泰勒絲已推出四張專輯並贏得許多獎項。她第二張專輯成為二○○九年全美最暢銷的專輯。最新專輯《紅色》在美國發行首週就賣出超過一百二十萬張,創下十年來單週銷售量最高紀錄。 泰勒絲與其他女樂手不同處在於她的詞曲創作能力。這一點,加上努力與自信,帶她走向成功之路。她在十二歲那年就寫了第一首歌,在那之前她已經帶著自己的伴唱帶樣品到各唱片公司挨家挨戶地推銷。在十四歲時,她們全家搬到納什維爾市,她在那裡開始追求她的鄉村音樂事業。雖然屢次碰壁,但她從不放棄。她一直都很清楚自己要的是什麼,甚至拒絕了一份不讓她自己寫歌和演唱自創曲的合約。 |