簡介:被譽為時尚甜點的馬卡龍,粉嫩小巧的 外表擄獲大眾的心,如蛋殼般輕脆的外 殼與內餡綿密的口感也令人驚艷。 Mad about Macarons Their rainbow colors draw your eye. As you lift one to your mouth, you smell almonds. When you bite into the cookie, your teeth break through the thin shell into a soft center. Your mouth is filled with delicious flavor. This is the sweet experience of eating a macaron. Macarons are one of the latest dessert crazes to sweep the world. This treat is basically two cookies that are stuck together with a sweet filling. The cookies are very light. That's because they are made with little more than egg white, almond flour, and sugar. This gives the outside of the cookie a crisp shell. The filling is usually frosting, chocolate ganache, or a kind of jam. It melts into the cookies and makes their centers soft. Interesting flavors are also added to the cookies and the fillings. The standard flavors are chocolate, vanilla, and raspberry. These days, though, you can buy ones that taste like flowers, peanut butter, green tea, and even liver. With bright colors and a variety of different tastes, macarons are a feast for the senses. 法式旋「瘋」馬卡龍 它們彩虹般的色彩吸引你的目光。你拿起一個到嘴邊時,聞到了杏仁味。當你咬一口這種餅乾時,你的牙齒會穿透薄薄的外皮,觸及柔軟的餅心。你的口腔裡充滿美味的滋味。這就是吃馬卡龍的甜蜜體驗。 馬卡龍是最近橫掃全世界的甜點風潮之一。這道小點心基本上是兩片以甜內餡黏在一起的餅乾。餅乾非常清爽,因為它們的原料只有蛋白、杏仁粉和糖。這讓餅乾的外皮酥脆。內餡通常是糖霜、巧克力甘那許或某種果醬。它會溶入餅乾中,讓中心部份變得柔軟。 餅乾和內餡還會加入有趣的口味。標準的口味有巧克力、香草和覆盆莓。不過現今你可以買到嚐起來像花香、花生醬、綠茶、甚至肝醬的馬卡龍。由於有著鮮亮的色彩和豐富多樣的口味,馬卡龍是一種感官的饗宴。 |