簡介:建築師結合專業技能與溝通能力,將紙上的 設計化身為實體建築。建築師的養成要具備 跨領域的知識,同時有大膽嘗試的勇氣和別 樹一幟的想像力。 Building a Career as an Archtiect The alarm clock goes off at 7:00 a.m. You get dressed, eat breakfast, and rush to the office. First, you attend an early meeting with clients to discuss your design for a new building project and hope that they'll accept your plan. Afterward, you're off to visit a construction site. The contractor tells you that the building frame is nearly complete. You're glad because now you can tell your clients that everything's on schedule. Back at the office, there's another meeting to attend, and you're really nervous this time. Your initial cost estimate for a project was too low, so your client must pay more if he wants to continue working with you. It's your job to convince him to stay, or else your company will lose money. After the meeting, you sit down to sketch plans for a new structure. As you draw, you think about how the structure will complement its surroundings and achieve a functional purpose. Then, the phone rings. It's your client from this morning. He has accepted your new cost estimate. What a relief! It's 6:30 p.m., so you pack your briefcase. Leaving the office, you think to yourself: "I's great to be an architect." 建築師之路 鬧鐘在早上七點響起。你穿好衣服,吃早餐,然後趕去辦公室。首先,你參加一個與客戶的早會,討論你為新建案所做的設計,希望他們會接受你的計畫。之後,你出門去視察工地。承包商告訴你建築骨架快要完成了。你很高興,因為現在你可以告訴你的客戶所有事情都按計劃進行中。 回到辦公室,有另一場會議要參加,這次你非常緊張。你對一個工程最初的成本估價過低,所以如果客戶要繼續與你合作,就必須付更多的錢。說服他繼續是你的任務,否則你的公司會賠錢。 會議結束後,你坐下來為新的建築物畫草圖。你邊畫圖邊思考該建築如何與周圍環境相輔相成,以達到功能性的目的。然後,電話響了。是你今天早上的客戶來電。他已接受你新的成本估價。真是如釋重負!現在是晚上六點半,所以你收拾好公事包。你離開辦公室自忖著:「當建築師真好。」 |